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Career's You've Probably Never Thought Of... Computational Linguist

Let's say you've looked at, what seems to be, a million and one STEM careers and think, "Wow, these all seem so boring." Never fear! Brown Girls Love STEM is here to inspire and motivate you with new ways to use your interests in STEM in ways that you've probably never thought were possible. There are some really eclectic extensions of STEM fields that we want to introduce you to.

With Science, Tech, Engineering, and Math being completely innovative fields, employment opportunities continue to be created and evolve. This post is apart of a series called "Careers You've Probably Never Thought Of...", which features a series of posts to introduce you to just that, cool opportunities you probably never thought you could use a STEM degree for.

With "Careers You've Probably Never Thought Of..." (Or, in the name of hashtags,#CYPNTO), we aim to show you that Design majors aren't the only ones able to think outside the box in their career choices! Majoring in Science, Tech, Engineering, or Math could just give you the extra edge in an industry that isn't normally associated with STEM degrees. There's no limit to what you can achieve!

So, with all of that in mind, today we hope to introduce you to (or at least provide some introductory info for):

Computational Linguist

Computational linguists teach computer systems how to deal with human language. They develop computer applications which facility communication between computers and humans. For example such as speech recognition (Siri), speech synthesis, machine translation (Google Translate), grammar checking.

Majors related to this: Computer science, Computer Engineering, Linguistics, Software Engineering

Good Place to begin your journey: How to Become a Computational Linguist

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